#042 – Constructive Feedback (Assertiveness Pt 13) [Podcast]

Constructive feedback is an essential element for everyone in an organization’s workforce. Giving constructive feedback is a task you perform again and again as a manager or supervisor, letting people know where they are and where to go next in terms of expectations and goals – yours, their own, and the organizations.

Constructive Feedback

Constructive Feedback

Constructive feedback is a useful tool for indicating when things are going in the right direction or for redirecting problem performance. Your objective in giving constructive feedback is to provide guidance by supplying information in a useful manner, either to support effective behavior, or to guide someone back on track toward successful performance.

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#041 – Handling Criticism (Assertiveness Pt 12) [Podcast]

I have a very tough time handling criticism … being criticized, corrected, or accused – of even the smallest mistakes – and I react very angrily. I’ve wrestled this instinct under control in a professional context, more or less, but I have more trouble with it at home. All it takes is for my daughter to make a mild comment such as, “You forgot to remind me to bring my library book,” to set me off. “What do you mean…it’s not my responsibility…I didn’t know Wednesday was Library Day…” etc., etc.

Handling Criticism

Handling Criticism

More and more, I see the connection between perfectionism, control, and anger. Zoikes, how I struggle to keep my sense of humor and light-heartedness! Here are some of the strategies that I try to use in handling criticism. If I manage to use them, they never fail me, but I don’t always manage to put them to work.

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#040 – Giving Positive Feedback (Assertiveness Pt 11) [Podcast]

You may be thinking: “Telling people they’re doing a good job is easy! What instructions could I possibly need?”

Giving Positive Feedback

Giving Positive Feedback

Sure, that sounds reasonable. But in reality, most people don’t know how to give helpful, authentic, positive feedback in the workplace. Instead, they simply offer generic compliments and bland gestures of praise.

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#039 – Embracing Positive Feedback (Assertiveness Pt 10) [Podcast]

Most people like hearing praise but some people bristle when they hear compliments and others downright hate them. What is it that determines whether someone enjoys receiving compliments or whether they turn sour at the first hint of positive feedback?

Positive Feedback

Positive Feedback

More often than not, how receptive we are to compliments is a reflection of our self-esteem and deep feelings of self-worth. Specifically, compliments can make people with low self-esteem feel uncomfortable because they contradict their own self-views.

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#038 – Giving Your Opinion (Assertiveness Pt 9) [Podcast]

Let’s face it … you can’t really be assertive if you aren’t giving your opinion.  But how do we do this in a way that embraces assertiveness and not aggression?  And do we have to give our opinion all the time?

Giving Your Opinion

Giving Your Opinion

We cover several principles of what “giving your opinion” means for assertive styles of communication.  Also, we cover several practical tips on giving your opinion.

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