#079 – Friendship Formula (Like Switch Pt 1) [Podcast]

We begin a new study this week on “The Like Switch” by Jack Schafer and Marvin Karlins. This week we look at the “Friendship Formula” as discussed in Chp 1.

Friendship Formula

Friendship Formula

The Friendship Formula is rather simple:  Friendship = Proximity + Frequency + Duration + Intensity. In this episode, we discuss each of these aspects in detail.

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#078 – Without Regrets [Podcast]

No one would ever say they want to live with regrets at the end of their life. Yet, we can get so busy in life, that we can never think through the very things that will cause regrets later.

Without Regrets

Without Regrets


Numerous research has shown what a lot of people consider as regrets at the end of their life. In this episode, we discuss 36 things that people have admitting having regrets about in older ages.

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#077 – Wayne Dyer Tribute [Podcast]

Wayne Dyer recently passed away. He was a hero of mine, and someone that I always listened to and realigned my life afterward. Dr. Dyer has many amazing teaching out, and I would encourage that you check them out.

Wayne Dyer

Wayne Dyer


In this episode, I talk about some of the top 10 things I have learned from Wayne Dyer. I also quote him for each of these things and discuss what it means to me.

I also detail our next big study which is coming up in a few weeks.

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