#067 – Buffer (Essentialism Pt 17) [Podcast]

The problem is that very few people know what buffer is, let alone ever experience it. So why don’t we have any? Why are we so overcommitted and crazy-busy?



Life is a long-distance run not a sprint. If you and I are going to be effective over the long-term, we have to create buffer and pace ourselves.

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#066 – Margin (Essentialism Pt 16) [Podcast]

Margin is the space between our load and our limits.  It is the amount allowed beyond that which is needed.  Margin is something held in reserve for contingencies or unanticipated situations.



If you and I are going to be effective over the long term, we have to create margin in our lives.  This is not optional.  It is not a luxury; it is something we have to have in order to take care of ourselves and be healthy.  We have to get that margin back in our lives and pace ourselves for the long term.

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#065 – Edit (Essentialism Pt 15) [Podcast]

We previously likened looking at our lives as a journalist … listening, asking questions, connecting the dots, investigating. Another way to integrate Essentialism is to see yourself as an editor, where you edit your life.



The root word for “decision” is cis or cid, which means “to cut.”  You see this root word in “scissors.”  A great way to embrace essentialism is to view your life as an editor … to cut out things in your life, in order to make room for more important things in your life.

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